"Terre Happy d'groupe" is back!
this is what is going to happen in 2018 :
- Théâtre Astral Parc Floral in Paris with the Chorale Foliephonies on April, 7 8pm
- Des mots dans l'air festival "mots à croquer" Parc de la légion d'Honneur in Saint Denis on May, 27at 5pm
- Fête de la musique in Paris on June,21
- Festival "Voix sur Berges" canal St Martin on June, 24 in Paris
- in a music kiosk in Paris on June, 30
You want to hear us sing, do not hesitate to contact us!
Contact: 06 28 22 67 89
Our Facebook's page: Terre Happy D'groupe
PS: We are looking to produce ourselves on new places,
if you have an idea, a date to propose us,
tel : +33 (0)6 28 22 67 89